How to create perspectives really fast is a great way for an artist to give their work some form of structure; because it allows them to present the illusion of depth and space within realistic parameters.
For the sake of argument, let’s say you have a room that’s three meters squared. So by using this mathematical method you can actually define this space with a certain degree of accuracy.
In the late 14th Century, Filippo Brunelleschi, the Italian Architect, formulated the principles of linear perspective. This mathematical perspective system was a great breakthrough when it came down to representing the accuracy of reality through art.
More commonly it’s described as, ‘A technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface’. So as you can see, perspective has everything to do with proportion: ‘The scale and location of an element in space’.
Perspective is basically the tool that allows you to create the right proportion between elements in your piece, and mastering it is vital to any comic book artist.
There are lots of different types of perspectives, which include:
Atmospheric Perspective:
Which is a method of creating the illusion of depth by modulating the colors used in the background.
Fisheye Perspective:
Which is more commonly used to give an image a cylindrical property by defining four vanishing points placed in a circle.
One Vanishing Point Perspective:
Which is a more conventional use of the form.
Two Point Perspective:
Which is often used to give the image two visual vantagepoints.
Three Point Perspective:
See the previous section for more details but add an extra vantage point.
Cylindrical Perspective:
This method is similar to the Fisheye method, although the edges of the circle are less apparent and blend in more with the image.

The best way on how to create perspectives really fast is to use a template or a grid. Grids are usually pre-defined and are referenced to create whatever the artist want’s to create.
When needed a grid can also give you the correct measurements, of space and dimension, in order for you to put everything in the right proportion and place.
But, before you use a grid, it is extremely important that you understand the concept of perspective and how you can create them from a sketch, you can find more about it on the video: HERE.
Otherwise, when you use a grid, it can take you in the wrong direction entirely.

Choosing the right tool in the right order to achieve the right result is crucial when it comes down to creating and telling a story.
Perspective is an extremely complex form to master and it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort.
There’s no need to rush, though, so please pace yourself and study and understand this method very carefully.
After all, creating rich environments can be a lot of fun, and creating them with accuracy and credibility will give you a sense of satisfaction that’s hard to top.
In the video bellow you’ll find a Photoshop process on how to create perspectives really fast! 🙂
The use of perspective is essential for creating credible scenarios. Your scenario can have a foreground, middle-ground, and background element, so by using the perspective tool you can insert all kind of details into your scenario and create a brand new world.
NEXT: Storytelling, Rhythm & Timing.
This article was brought to you by Brazilian born, Rod Rodollfo from Alpha Brain Art Studio. Please feel free to download the Master Page Template used by Rod on many Published Comic Books by signing up here! And while you’re at it, don’t forget to follow him on his website, twitter, and facebook pages.
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